d:matcha hiking tour of Mt Jubu

You are probably like me, so scared of climbing and not so fit either. If I knew my first task this morning was to do a mountain hike, I would have probably found an excuse to stay in bed.  After a light breakfast of houji-cha (roasted tea) with pancakes, I and Daiki were off to our next adventure. Since Wazuka is a mountain village, the best farm views are obtained only from a specific height. I share with you some of the best experiences I had while hiking Mt Jubu.

Traditional Japanese homes

The tour begins from a vicinity made up of very sharp curves and step slopes with houses built with very traditional Japanese architecture. You will find their tiered roofs, hanging gardens, and parking lots very admirable.

Sloping tea fields

 This particular field in the shape of half moon is my favorite. There a lot of stunning views of tea fields as you go higher up. The rice fields however, gives Wazuka township a very grassy look, like mini golf courses surrounding homes.

Avenue of cedar trees

As you get closer to the top of the mountain, the vegetation surrounding the trail changes to a forest of cedar trees. I have personally named this cedar avenue.

Also, climbing gets easier at this point since the cedar trees provide a lot of shade that helps to maintain a cool temperature.

Mountain view

 At the top of the mountain is the most gorgeous view of Wazuka and Kamo town surrounded by several mountains. The natural architecture and beauty endowed in Wazuka is best seen at this point, no photo can better describe this.

Mountain top tea fields

 Its mind baffling how one could maintain a farm on the mountain at 45 degrees angle to the ground but for the farmers who have been doing this for years, its not too difficult. Your destination will be at d:matcha's organic farm where you will get the chance to drink organic sen-cha cold brewed tea. Trust me, its the best tea I have tasted since being at Wazuka.

The whole tour lasted for almost two hours, we could have completed it in a shorter time duration if I was in a better shape but Daiki was very understanding and we took a lot of breaks along the way. 

You can book this trip by contacting info@dmatcha.com or on the website here www.dmatcha.com

d:matcha hiking tour of Mt Jubu - d:matcha Kyoto