Nestled between tea plantations, Zenji Shoten is a temple located in Kizugawa that belongs to the Daigo sect of Shingon Buddhism. As the...
Wazuka, Kyoto (Places to visit)
This tranquil Buddhist temple located in Kizugawa-shi is approximately 20 minutes by car from Wazuka-cho. The name 浄瑠璃寺 (Joruri-ji) is said to have originated from...
Located in Ujitawara, which is approximately 15 to 20 minutes away from Wazuka, Shouji-in was constructed approximately 800 years ago. This temple belongs to the...
Kaijusen-ji Temple is considered a one of Japan's National Treasures and a must-visit for those travelling in this area. The drive to temple, which is...
The Miho Museum exhibits Mihoko Koyama's private collection of antiques that come from both Asian and Western ancient civilisations. The rotating special exhibitions are centred on...
The Shohoji Temple located in Wazuka, Kyoto was constructed by Buddhist priest Gyouki in the year 774 after the passing of Prince Asaka. Gyouki, or...