What is Uji Matcha?

Uji Matcha is is a trademark held by Kyoto Prefecture Tea Cooperative Association (25 Uji Oriya, Uji City, Kyoto Prefecture).

Uji Tea is tea produced in the four prefectures of Kyoto, Nara, Shiga, and Mie, which have developed together as Uji tea, taking into consideration a comprehensive perspective of history, culture, geography, and weather, and is processed by tea producers in Kyoto prefecture. 

Matcha is made by grinding and milling tea produced in four prefectures (Kyoto, Nara, Shiga, and Mie) that has been processed by a Kyoto-based company using a method originating from the Uji region.

However, priority is given to tea produced in Kyoto prefecture. 

Wazuka is the biggest production site of Uji green tea. Wazuka produces around 45% of Uji green tea in Kyoto.

[Reference] Trademark registration certificate for "Uji tea"

(Source: Kyoto Prefectural Tea Chamber of Commerce and Industry)

This page contains information on the production and distribution status of tea produced in Kyoto Prefecture (tea plantation area, production volume, etc.) in PDF format.

  1. Materials on the production and distribution status of tea produced in Kyoto Prefecture in FY2023 (former Kyoto Prefecture tea industry statistics) (PDF: 815KB)
  2. Annual performance (PDF: 983KB)
  3. Reference materials (PDF: 99KB)

(Source: Kyoto Prefecture)

What is Uji Matcha?