Matcha spotlight: Eight different matcha cultivars

While all Japanese green tea, regardless of the way they are processed, are produced from the same tea tree (camellia sinensis var. sinensis), there are hundreds of different cultivated varieties or cultivars.
In the Ultimate Matcha Bundle Pack, we showcase eight different cultivars. The flavour profile of each cultivar is distinctly different. The creation of this bundle also provided us with the invaluable opportunity of working together with other young tea farmers in Wazuka Town.
Cultivar: Okumidori
- Registered as an official cultivar in 1974.
- Okumidori has a bright and refreshing taste. The fragrant scent of the cultivar also makes it easy to drink.
- Often cultivated for the production of either sencha or matcha.
- The harvesting time for Okumidori is slightly later as compared to other cultivars, which makes it favoured by farmers who own multiple tea fields.
Cultivar: Yabukita
- Registered as an official cultivar in 1953.
- Native to Shizuoka Prefecture.
- Yabukita is the most commonly found cultivated variety in Japan, with approximately 75% of the tea plantations in being of the Yabukita cultivar.
- The flavour profile of Yabukita is one with strong umami and a refreshing aftertaste. For some, especially consumers from Japan, this can also be described as a familiar or nostalgic taste.
Cultivar: Tenmyo
- Registered as an official cultivar in 2006.
- Tenmyo was cultivated from the Samidori cultivar.
- When produced as a matcha, this cultivar has a bright enticing colour that is coupled with a rich seaweed-like aroma.
Cultivar: Gokou
- Registered as an official cultivar in 1953.
- Native to Uji, Kyoto Prefecture.
- Gokou is known for its unique distinguishable aroma that is similar to seaweed. The flavour profile is renowned for being sweet with slightly milk undertones.
- This cultivar is often selected for use during tea ceremonies.
- Harvesting time for this cultivar is extremely important as the young shoots are quick to harden.
Cultivar: Kanayamidori
- Registered as an official cultivar in 1970.
- Kanayamidori has a flavour profile that is slightly astringent. The aroma of this cultivar is also unique and can be described as slightly grassy.
- The young shoots of Kanayamidori mature slightly later as compared to other cultivars.
Cultivar: Asanoka
- Registered as an official cultivar in 1996.
- Native to Kagoshima Prefecture.
- Asanoka is known for its shiny finish, delicious well-balanced flavour profile, and enticing aroma. This cultivar is also researched to possess a high amino acid content.
- The young shoots of the Asanoka cultivar mature earlier as compared to Yabukita and has a strong resistance against the cold.
Cultivar: Samidori
- Native to Uji, Kyoto Prefecture.
- Japanese tea produced from Samidori possess a bright green colour and has a milky sweet flavour profile. This makes the cultivar compatible for the production of both matcha and gyokuro.
Cultivar: Sayamakaori
- Registered as an official cultivar in 1971.
- Native to Saitama Prefecture.
- Cultivated from the Kaorisayama and Yabukita cultivars.
- As Sayamakaori contains higher levels of catechins, the flavour profile of this cultivar is slightly more astringent.
Purchase d:matcha Kyoto's Ultimate Matcha Bundle Pack here to discover your favourite cultivar.