Ryhan MY


Thank you for your continued support! This month the team talk in-depth about the developments we have made with regard to our organic tea farming, how d:matcha Kyoto's brand name was decided, and more! 

Ryhan MY


Thank you for your continued support! We're extremely grateful to have you as part of our tea-loving family. Here are some of the updates from Wazuka Town as told by the team. We hope that you and your loved ones are safe together, wherever you may be.

Ryhan MY


Thank you for your continued support! We're extremely grateful to have you as part of our tea-loving family. Here are some of the updates from Wazuka Town as told by the team. We hope that you and your loved ones are safe together, wherever you may be.

d:matcha team


Thank you for your continued support! We're extremely grateful to have you as part of our tea-loving family. Here are some of the updates from Wazuka Town as told by the team. We hope that you and your loved ones are safe together, wherever you may be.

d:matcha team


Thank you for your continued support! We're extremely grateful to have you as part of our tea-loving family. Here are some of the updates from Wazuka Town as told by the team. We hope that you and your loved ones are safe together, wherever you may be.

d:matcha team


Thank you for your continued support! We're extremely grateful to have you as part of our tea-loving family. Here are some of the updates from Wazuka Town as told by the team. We hope that you and your loved ones are safe together, wherever you may be.